Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Temporal Harmonics:

Temporal Harmonics: Entropy versus the Binary Code

Part one

Personal growth is always formed from inside but generally is inspired from the less clear extrinsic forces swarming relentlessly about the head and neck. Unfortunately there is still no reliable repellant on the market for this to the best of the writers knowledge.

On occasion, I find that the elusive epiphany comes in the form of impressions seen in the bottom of the sacred blue Bombay bottle while sharing fate with future, in an ancient land which hasn’t been build yet. (Only the savvy time traveler will fully glean this experience.) We, humans strive for simplicity, something good or something bad, on or off, One or Zero, right and wrong, left and right, good and evil…. ad nausea.

We live, love, and die for a sacred dichotomy.

Truth is, the best stuff is usually slippery, unclear, tons of fun and could, would, and should never happen twice. This phenomenon is the Temporal Harmonic.
Nearly invisible, one notices it when you learn a new word and then you see it everywhere. Was it always there and it had simply slipped beneath one’s radar? I suggest the contrary. It “the new” has smugly sprung into existence within the singular spaghetti noodle of time.

Here is how it works. Remember that entropy is the measure of randomness. So in the human quest for a binary world of simplicity, one desires to hold the belief that outcomes are predicable or at least more predicable than sheer happenstance. How random is life? It’s not… If one knew everything that had preceded it, the future would be predicable. Unfortunately, there is a universal stick jammed in the spokes of the cosmic wheel.

The fact is that the universe has no memory. And the problem is that we do. This is easily demonstrated within the old coin toss experiment. Humans love this stuff “the big binary yummy”, heads or tails, 50/50 right? Wrong! Probability dictates via a single toss that the outcome is closest to 99% that the coin lands on either heads or tails with a less than one percent chance something going horribly wrong with the laws of physics, like gravity inversing, the universe imploding, or other general cosmic weirdness, generally expressed by simple humans as the coin landing on it’s edge. The major problem occurs [for humans] on each subsequent toss when we build in expectations. The coin lands on heads ten times in a row and so we assume that the next toss has a higher probability to be tails “because is due” but alas it’s heads again. THE UNIVERSE HAS NO MEMORY. Los Vegas figured this one out.

It seems that the joke’s on me. I’ll take a moment to wipe the cosmic egg off my face. The measurement of random occurrence first appears to be easy but only in Entropy’s daydreams will one decipher design from webs of significance.


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