Thursday, February 23, 2006

Drinks & Compromise @ 11

Standing around the bar at 11, the shadows drank and drank some more. When all the thoughts were slow and nearly incomprehensible a shadowy arm slammed down on the bar. “Consequences!” the voice echoed “consequences for which we are all responsible.” Robert Skyfox, was the last astral projecting seer of the original Hopi bloodline. “The turtle weeps for our future as the snake devourers her eggs!”

No one in the bar ever understood Bob but his soliloquies always sounded really impressive. He shoots back another shot, “If the mutiverse continues to expand at this rate we may never know which path to follow. We may never know home.”

Dana Nelly Anacin’s soft voice glided between all the shadows in the room “Do you want to put a wager on that, Bob” Robert could never pass on a bet “yes of course. What do you purpose, Dana?” “I’ll bet you a round for the house” “DNA! DNA! DNA!” chanted all the patrons.

Turin, the epicurean, was an unknown 3rd century poet who, in his time, sailed from nowhere to nowhere and had never published anything noteworthy. Pointing his shadowy finger to the sky, “Although the island is safe and its fruits are delectable, the temporal sea is vast and dangerous. The explorer however willingly faces these dangers in order to explore as many wondrous islands as possible, all the while fully aware of the perils the journey may bring. And this is why peril is always met with a smile and a drink.” “Huh” Bob said. Before another word fell form Bob’s shadowy lips, Jack Treeder interrupted. “Enough with the turtles and islands and snakes and fruits, we all know damn well the only real time is now.”

Ericka Marzel, the most elusively famous chronicler of time, surprised everyone in the room. “There are different kinds of librarians, you know. I am a research specialist, not a cataloguer. I am good at what I do because I explore all options, ask appropriate questions, and know how to discern good information from crap. I also glean much of what I know from experience, so lest you think that I am not all about the journey, you have missed the mark. Look at how I’ve lived.”

No one in the room knew anything about how she lived or had lived, but everyone knew what she meant. Treeder gulped his shot and slammed his glass on the bar “Et tu Ericka. You are all a damn reckless bunch. Ericka, if you can’t find what you’re looking for what’s the point of collecting it to begin with” Dana fills his glass, “I LOVE maps – but I never use them.” She says.

At this point, I walked across the room and raised my glass in the air. “We all know good and well what happens next, people. Let’s get to work and build it. The journey and the destination co-exist. They are both equally important. Both, the end and mean oblige temporal harmony.”

Everyone in the room knew that we were staring at a moment of creation. And it was monumental. It was the birth of the Transcendental Temporal Express.

This was the compromise of the destination and journey and could be enjoyed by all. Sure the mutiverse will continue to expand exponentially but more importantly Skyfox lost the bet and had to buy drinks for everyone at the bar in the 11th dimension.


Blogger Margaret Holt said...

Nic - I hope you can find and will take "time" to read this - some other perspectives on time travel. Mom

11:23 PM  

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