Monday, February 13, 2006

Prime Mates

This weekend I was time traveling with a monkey. I wanted to see what would happen if I took him to the future. Would he evolve? Would I evolve? I pack our bags. Ok, really it was a backpack and I made the monkey wear it. For me, there is not much funnier than a monkey, except for time traveling with one or at least that’s what I thought before we took off. Now a time traveling monkey with a backpack is by definition comedy.

Wikapedia fails to mention this fact.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The word "comedy" is derived from the Greek κωμοιδια, which is a compound either of κωμος (revel) and ωιδος (singer), or of κωμη (village) and ωιδος: it is possible that κωμος itself is derived from κωμη, and originally meant a village revel.
In ancient Greece, comedy seems to have originated in bawdy and ribald songs or recitations apropos of fertility festivals or gatherings, or also in poking fun at other people or stereotypes.[1]
Aristotle, in his Poetics, tells us the same: that comedy originated in Phallic songs and the light treatment of the otherwise base and ugly. He also adds that the origins of comedy are obscure because it was not treated seriously.[2]

So I’m time traveling with a monkey wearing backpack and all our stuff is in it. Ok, it’s mostly my stuff, Monkeys travel light. Anyway, we arrive in the future and everyone’s laughing and holding there sides, except for me and the monkey. They really think this is hilarious until I tell them about my little experiment. Now they get all quite and worried since their entire understanding of the origin of man is turned on it’s head.

Ironically it was at this same moment that the monkey started break dancing with the little monkey backpack on, spinning and spinning on his little monkey head like some upside down whirling monkey dervish. Now I started laughing and the monkey kept on spinning and the people stood agape now considering the fact that they may not be descended form apes. Dr. Seuss, I presume.

So, far into the future the monkey is still a monkey and people still have a sense of humor and I suppose that’s good enough. So I set off for home and on my way I got pulled for TTUI (time traveling under the influence). No, I had not been drinking or drugging, it was the monkey. He was swerving all over the place. They took him away and the backpack too. I had some good stuff in there. Where did that monkey get the drugs? Why didn’t he share?

Then it dawned on me, like the beginning of time itself, The Spinning. That monkey spun until he was the dizziest monkey there ever was. I walk the rest of the way thinking of my long lost dizzy friend and all the stuff in my backpack. I slept real good that night and the next.


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