Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Anticipation & Bobs

“I really don’t think I’m up for killing anyone, Ericka.” Jack said.
“I know, I just wanted to see what you would say.” Ericka replied, smiling politely. “Don’t worry about it Jack. It’s all been arranged in advance.”

The machines hum, whir and whatnot.
mostly whatnot.

Meanwhile @11…

I’m sitting at the bar and ask the Barkeep “What time are (coqnoir) going on stage?”
The Bartender rolls his eyes and sets my drink on the bar in front of me.
“T.A you didn’t join the COCs did you?” asked the barkeep.
But before I could utter any sort of reply, an unusually large hand lands squarely on my shoulder. With no more than a glance, instantly I knew exactly who it was, or at least I thought I did but that certainty only lasted for a very brief moment. “Bob?”
“Greetings, T.A.”
“Bob, your hand, all five, you seem…. Well, you seem so intact. So, I guess this means that everything is right as rain again… more specifically I mean, between you, Jack and Ericka, uhh … and the primates? I guess I should stop referring to you as nine fingers?”
“Right as rain, T.A.! Of course it is, my good man, of course it is. Barkeep, please bring my man and me two of the usual and make them doubles, and a clean glass this time. Oh, by the by, have either of you seen Ms. Marzel tonight by any chance? She supposed to meet me here.”
“The nacker’s probably late again” the Bartender mutters under his breath.
It was exactly at that moment when the extremely rare “quadruple” event shift occurred. It was a moment so prized and cherished throughout the time traveler set, since most had never experienced it and for that reason it had gained an almost legendary appeal. Unfortunately non time travelers were completely incapable of assessing it’s meaning.
The “quad” happened as I sat the bar, received the double Skyfox had ordered while simultaneously begin to see double. I recall thanking Bob for the drink. I turn my head towards the door and my jaw drops as I watch Bob walk in. Another double take and I turn back to the freshly five fingered Bob who had just ordered me the double. “Hey Bob, whatever you don’t take your eyes off the Bar there may be something unusual going on in here.”
“Have you been hanging around Treeder again? What’s this you’re rambling on about?”
“Apparently, Bob, You just walked in the bar, again. “
I was considering leaving at that moment but as I looked around the room I began to notice in all the darkest nooks @11, there was Bob. In fact, there must be twelve or more Bobs in here. Some of them were holding conversation with the “COCs” (the cult of Coqnoir) followers who were beginning to gather with the widely spread rumor that a new set would be preformed tonight. Anticipation and Bob filled the room @11


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