Monday, February 27, 2006

Hold my hand and talk about destruction

Jack Treeder was scared and not just his normal nervousness. His palms were sweating and his artificial heart wasn’t synchronizing properly. His monkey cloning farm was broadcasting far faster than predicted. It (life) was all just a little off. But the real problem was that is was not “off” enough.

You see, Treeder was a “Crisis Man”. He needed one and it just wasn’t happening. He needed it bad and he needed it all the time. It would be suggested that it was this lack of crisis that just sent him off the deep edge.

Treeder had made a deal @ 11 to provide monkeys to the T.T.E. (but not the knives or the eye patches). His compensation for the monkeys was his own car and permanent residence onboard the T.T.E... Jack strained to find an answer. No sleep for a Crisis Man without a crisis. His first idea failed. So he just kept tossing and tapping the bed increasing the intensity of colors which danced hypnotically across the walls of his compartment car.

His second idea was the same as the first. He jumped to his feet and swung open the compartment door and Rebus, Jack’s personal pet monkey, darted out from a dark corner of the room. In fact, it was Rebus, who was the proto-type for all the monkeys cloned at the farm. The monkey bolted down the dark shaft of the T.T.E. As he moved further away, Jack could hear the screams of passengers fading, just as Doppler had predicted.

He sat on the edge of his jellyfish bed and waited. Jack loved his bed. Firmer than a waterbed, it glowed with the ambiance produced from the Jelly’s bioluminescence. For Jack, it served the duel purpose of producing trippy hypnotic effects like a lava lamp but also as night light with a extra high potential for crisis. It was at that moment that the TTE alarms kicked in. “LOOSE MONKEY ALERT: LOOSE MONKEY ALERT” scrolled across the T.T.E. L.E.D. Message board.

Treeder smiled.

Feeling immediate gratification, he sprang into action mode. As Jack ran down the infinite TTE hallway, he paused to admire the Devonian period stream past the window. So dry, he thought.
As he reached the Dinning car he saw Robert Skyfox laying in the walkway holding his hand close to his body. “Bob are you Ok?” Treeder said. “No Jack, your fucking monkey bit my finger off!” Jack took Robert off to the infirmary car where his was given a series of painful rabies shots and was bandaged up like a mummy starter kit.

Teeder went back to his room and waited for the bellhop to deliver Rebus. When the bellhop arrived and brought him his monkey, Jack smiled. The bellhop said “We can’t keep doing this Mr. Treeder. Your friend Mr. Skyfox lost his finger tonight.” Jack smiled again and reached into his pocket “well, I guess this is it” “What” said the bellhop. "The Tipping Point” said Treeder handing him a dollar. “Thanks! See you later Mr. Treeder.”

And Jack climbed into bed. Colors flashed, and he slept like a dead man through the night and into yesterday.


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