Tuesday, February 28, 2006

The Flow

One route to more happiness is called "flow," an engrossing state that comes during creative or playful activity, psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi has found. Athletes, musicians, writers, gamers, and religious adherents know the feeling. It comes less from what you're doing than from how you do it.
And so do the Time Travelers @ 11.

Monday, February 27, 2006

Would you like an apple pie with that?

It's been fun....

On Saturday, Feb. 25, at 7:16 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, the population here on this good Earth is projected to hit 6.5 billion people.


Hold my hand and talk about destruction

Jack Treeder was scared and not just his normal nervousness. His palms were sweating and his artificial heart wasn’t synchronizing properly. His monkey cloning farm was broadcasting far faster than predicted. It (life) was all just a little off. But the real problem was that is was not “off” enough.

You see, Treeder was a “Crisis Man”. He needed one and it just wasn’t happening. He needed it bad and he needed it all the time. It would be suggested that it was this lack of crisis that just sent him off the deep edge.

Treeder had made a deal @ 11 to provide monkeys to the T.T.E. (but not the knives or the eye patches). His compensation for the monkeys was his own car and permanent residence onboard the T.T.E... Jack strained to find an answer. No sleep for a Crisis Man without a crisis. His first idea failed. So he just kept tossing and tapping the bed increasing the intensity of colors which danced hypnotically across the walls of his compartment car.

His second idea was the same as the first. He jumped to his feet and swung open the compartment door and Rebus, Jack’s personal pet monkey, darted out from a dark corner of the room. In fact, it was Rebus, who was the proto-type for all the monkeys cloned at the farm. The monkey bolted down the dark shaft of the T.T.E. As he moved further away, Jack could hear the screams of passengers fading, just as Doppler had predicted.

He sat on the edge of his jellyfish bed and waited. Jack loved his bed. Firmer than a waterbed, it glowed with the ambiance produced from the Jelly’s bioluminescence. For Jack, it served the duel purpose of producing trippy hypnotic effects like a lava lamp but also as night light with a extra high potential for crisis. It was at that moment that the TTE alarms kicked in. “LOOSE MONKEY ALERT: LOOSE MONKEY ALERT” scrolled across the T.T.E. L.E.D. Message board.

Treeder smiled.

Feeling immediate gratification, he sprang into action mode. As Jack ran down the infinite TTE hallway, he paused to admire the Devonian period stream past the window. So dry, he thought.
As he reached the Dinning car he saw Robert Skyfox laying in the walkway holding his hand close to his body. “Bob are you Ok?” Treeder said. “No Jack, your fucking monkey bit my finger off!” Jack took Robert off to the infirmary car where his was given a series of painful rabies shots and was bandaged up like a mummy starter kit.

Teeder went back to his room and waited for the bellhop to deliver Rebus. When the bellhop arrived and brought him his monkey, Jack smiled. The bellhop said “We can’t keep doing this Mr. Treeder. Your friend Mr. Skyfox lost his finger tonight.” Jack smiled again and reached into his pocket “well, I guess this is it” “What” said the bellhop. "The Tipping Point” said Treeder handing him a dollar. “Thanks! See you later Mr. Treeder.”

And Jack climbed into bed. Colors flashed, and he slept like a dead man through the night and into yesterday.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Drinks & Compromise @ 11

Standing around the bar at 11, the shadows drank and drank some more. When all the thoughts were slow and nearly incomprehensible a shadowy arm slammed down on the bar. “Consequences!” the voice echoed “consequences for which we are all responsible.” Robert Skyfox, was the last astral projecting seer of the original Hopi bloodline. “The turtle weeps for our future as the snake devourers her eggs!”

No one in the bar ever understood Bob but his soliloquies always sounded really impressive. He shoots back another shot, “If the mutiverse continues to expand at this rate we may never know which path to follow. We may never know home.”

Dana Nelly Anacin’s soft voice glided between all the shadows in the room “Do you want to put a wager on that, Bob” Robert could never pass on a bet “yes of course. What do you purpose, Dana?” “I’ll bet you a round for the house” “DNA! DNA! DNA!” chanted all the patrons.

Turin, the epicurean, was an unknown 3rd century poet who, in his time, sailed from nowhere to nowhere and had never published anything noteworthy. Pointing his shadowy finger to the sky, “Although the island is safe and its fruits are delectable, the temporal sea is vast and dangerous. The explorer however willingly faces these dangers in order to explore as many wondrous islands as possible, all the while fully aware of the perils the journey may bring. And this is why peril is always met with a smile and a drink.” “Huh” Bob said. Before another word fell form Bob’s shadowy lips, Jack Treeder interrupted. “Enough with the turtles and islands and snakes and fruits, we all know damn well the only real time is now.”

Ericka Marzel, the most elusively famous chronicler of time, surprised everyone in the room. “There are different kinds of librarians, you know. I am a research specialist, not a cataloguer. I am good at what I do because I explore all options, ask appropriate questions, and know how to discern good information from crap. I also glean much of what I know from experience, so lest you think that I am not all about the journey, you have missed the mark. Look at how I’ve lived.”

No one in the room knew anything about how she lived or had lived, but everyone knew what she meant. Treeder gulped his shot and slammed his glass on the bar “Et tu Ericka. You are all a damn reckless bunch. Ericka, if you can’t find what you’re looking for what’s the point of collecting it to begin with” Dana fills his glass, “I LOVE maps – but I never use them.” She says.

At this point, I walked across the room and raised my glass in the air. “We all know good and well what happens next, people. Let’s get to work and build it. The journey and the destination co-exist. They are both equally important. Both, the end and mean oblige temporal harmony.”

Everyone in the room knew that we were staring at a moment of creation. And it was monumental. It was the birth of the Transcendental Temporal Express.

This was the compromise of the destination and journey and could be enjoyed by all. Sure the mutiverse will continue to expand exponentially but more importantly Skyfox lost the bet and had to buy drinks for everyone at the bar in the 11th dimension.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Drinks and T.P. @ 11

The multiverse expands with every decision made. It is this fact that makes time travel extremely difficult for finding any particular destination. Most travelers, for this reason fly blind, randomly landing, looking, and generally mucking up temporal harmony.

Most time travelers consider themselves "cowboys" but in truth they are really nothing more than cosmic hobos. A most dangerous situation, although rare, occurs when agendas creep into the mix. This unfortunate event is exactly what happened. Among the travelers two conflicting schools of thought emerged. One group believed that travel should be regulated, cataloged and chronicled. The others didn’t want to be bogged down in anymore temporal policy, “T.P.” and temporal paperwork, confusingly also “T.P.”. It was the freedom they enjoyed; it was about the journey. The others desired the comfort and the confirmation which one can only find in an absolute destination.

There exists, only one place that a decision like this could, and finally would, be made. It was deep in exact centers of the Eleventh Dimension. Yes, the writer means “centers”. This anomaly occurs between two matching holes found precisely at the center of the eleventh dimension. A concept so elusive that the greatest physicists and philosophers could only describe it as sort of similar to a dimensional sheet with two eye holes cut out like a poor kid’s ghost costume on Halloween.

Here, at “11”, even time had no business. Remote and safe from the expansion of the multiverse, this interesting place where only shadow and thought existed and became one. It also became the home and watering hole of all temporal policy decisions. The “11 bar” is where temporal hobos met, drank, and set policy. It was like Washington, only creepier, and things really, really, really got done.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Tick Tock Toxic Shock

Bumble Bees swarming
Bee black soon
Honey for your thoughts
when the Time Travelers Hoax
both the Creationists and Evolutionists.


and more?


Thursday, February 16, 2006


Speaking to the Institute,
John O'Modem, chronophysics engineer, observed:
'Time travel is not easy; there are many variables:
'Possible machine malfunctions,
Synchronization problems,
Unexpected changes in climate.'
Vis-vis his latest trip, he cited the time when
The Earth rotation axis heeled over
To the plane of its orbit,
Throwing his team backward with a jolt.
They were stuck in the Mesozoic Age for 12 hours (days? years?).
He tried to read the Record of the Rocks,
But some of the pages were mutilated, or missing.
'The experience was segmented, oblique, confusing,' he said.
'The 20th century seems more compatible
And less exhausting.'
But then he gave a sigh.

George Hinshaw

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Saddom and Gammera: The mystery of Bus stop Island


Traveling through time by rail is highly recommended by the writer. Think how romantic it is to spend cherished vacation time riding with a lover on the Temporal Transcendental Express. “All aboard” is never heard or even necessary since everyone’s always ‘aboard.’ The best part is that you could drink wine all day and night and eat all the cake you want and never gain a pound or have a hangover.

So, sitting in coach on the Temporal Transcendental Express, watching the epochs blur past through the window, dinosaur, dinosaur, dinosaur, man with pointy stick, robot, robot, robot with pointy stick and so on. We hold hands, drink red wine and eat yellow cake right here in the comfort of the luxurious dining car aboard the splendid T.T.E.

As entropy would have it, trains are stranger than friction, and the temporal transcendental express is in fact fueled by yellow cake which usually is purchased from Niger and for some unknown reason Iraq, mistakenly or not, is blamed for its consumption. Well, I guess Saddom did keep his trains running on time.

(see future article “Saddom and Gammera: The Mystery of Bus Stop Island”){yes, there are pillars of salt and giant margarita glasses. It’s an excellent piece of work}

So, the T.T.E. and yellow cake fiasco has literally been going on forever, or never, depending on where you sit in the train. As for me, I always ride in coach so it’s not a major problem.
The oddest part of the TTE is the entertainment. Apparently, there was a casino car but everyone always won, since they knew which numbers would come up next. Roulette, craps and all the other games they tried were just too predicable for the time-traveling-set. It’s a well know fact that time-travelers love to gamble and so the now late, Dana Nelly Anacin, conceived the perfect game of chance for the T.T.E. passengers.


Two genetically identical monkeys would go at it with switchblades while the spectators and looky-loos chanted “D.N.A.” “D.N.A.” “D.N.A.” in honor of the sports founder, Dana Nelly Anacin. The event had clear winners and losers. Two monkeys enter and one monkey leaves was the motto. It was always the most remembered part of any trip on the T.T.E., barbaric and highly entertaining, and nearly impossible for either time travelers or psychics to predict.

Chronic Deja Vu

Chronic Deja Vu or time travel?

I have a feeling that I've written this before.
Careful now, it's contagious.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Fellow Travelers Unite

Who is John Titor?


Real or fake?
Two weeks ago (02/03/06) I met up with him in 2009 in a pub.
He picked up the tab. Go John.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Prime Mates

This weekend I was time traveling with a monkey. I wanted to see what would happen if I took him to the future. Would he evolve? Would I evolve? I pack our bags. Ok, really it was a backpack and I made the monkey wear it. For me, there is not much funnier than a monkey, except for time traveling with one or at least that’s what I thought before we took off. Now a time traveling monkey with a backpack is by definition comedy.

Wikapedia fails to mention this fact.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The word "comedy" is derived from the Greek κωμοιδια, which is a compound either of κωμος (revel) and ωιδος (singer), or of κωμη (village) and ωιδος: it is possible that κωμος itself is derived from κωμη, and originally meant a village revel.
In ancient Greece, comedy seems to have originated in bawdy and ribald songs or recitations apropos of fertility festivals or gatherings, or also in poking fun at other people or stereotypes.[1]
Aristotle, in his Poetics, tells us the same: that comedy originated in Phallic songs and the light treatment of the otherwise base and ugly. He also adds that the origins of comedy are obscure because it was not treated seriously.[2]

So I’m time traveling with a monkey wearing backpack and all our stuff is in it. Ok, it’s mostly my stuff, Monkeys travel light. Anyway, we arrive in the future and everyone’s laughing and holding there sides, except for me and the monkey. They really think this is hilarious until I tell them about my little experiment. Now they get all quite and worried since their entire understanding of the origin of man is turned on it’s head.

Ironically it was at this same moment that the monkey started break dancing with the little monkey backpack on, spinning and spinning on his little monkey head like some upside down whirling monkey dervish. Now I started laughing and the monkey kept on spinning and the people stood agape now considering the fact that they may not be descended form apes. Dr. Seuss, I presume.

So, far into the future the monkey is still a monkey and people still have a sense of humor and I suppose that’s good enough. So I set off for home and on my way I got pulled for TTUI (time traveling under the influence). No, I had not been drinking or drugging, it was the monkey. He was swerving all over the place. They took him away and the backpack too. I had some good stuff in there. Where did that monkey get the drugs? Why didn’t he share?

Then it dawned on me, like the beginning of time itself, The Spinning. That monkey spun until he was the dizziest monkey there ever was. I walk the rest of the way thinking of my long lost dizzy friend and all the stuff in my backpack. I slept real good that night and the next.

Friday, February 10, 2006

12 steps for the recovering psychic traveler

Blasting: the effect of temporal residue in the Human brain

There appears to be an addictive quality in psychic traveling. There are no obvious physical effects except for the most powerful desire to ride the ride again and again. Similar to an adrenaline junkie craving more and more stimulation, this addiction seems contained to ones psyche.
Travelers will often experience a temporal residue buildup which causes the brain to release hormones in an attempt to prevent psychic trauma. This is believed to be a primitive biological defense mechanism. Strangely, the same chemicals defending against “P.T.” have the duel effect of stimulating an enormous creative upwelling for the traveler.
Within the community of travelers, this pleasing temporal hangover is referred to as, “blasting”. This is also why in the field of Temporal Archeology, scientists catalog famous travelers within the same hierarchical schema found for the classification of historic periods of Art and Music.

Travelers of the new wave period see


Next: Calling all Cars

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Sorry, No time travel

Temporal harmonics revealed:

The following article appeared today on Slashdot.org

"Sorry, No time travel"


The replys to the article are all from the future.
Take that skeptics!

Temporal Harmonics part 2

Temporal Harmonics in Binary
Part 2

In Binary code a string of 0nes and Zeros is used to describe complex information. The effect of entropy applied to this string of binary code is similar to coin flip effect. I refer to this as a “keif, keif, moush, keif keif” effect (Arabic for the same but a little different).

The difference between the coin toss and binary code is that human perception for the probability of an absurd singularity occurring is decreased for the string of binary code. No one would ever suggest that a 3 might occur in the code string or that the code could land on its proverbial edge. This demonstrates that our expectations may be retarded by some self inflated sense of advancement or technological achievement. "Machines don’t lie” or do they? The facts are the facts and we have all seen the absurd in our dealings with “infallible” technology.

Math reveals its sacred magic, which over the infinite binary string in time multiplied by the number of know dimensions (currently 11) across the multi-verse of parallel universes (infinite) divided by the effect of 49.9999(repeating) =“chance of 0” by 49.9999(repeating) = “chance of 1” and the remainder < 0.0(repeating but ending in 1) Somewhere in this odd space < 0.0(repeating but ending in 1) is where coincidence meets probability AKA Temporal Harmonics.

Next up the effects of temporal harmonics.....

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Temporal Harmonics:

Temporal Harmonics: Entropy versus the Binary Code

Part one

Personal growth is always formed from inside but generally is inspired from the less clear extrinsic forces swarming relentlessly about the head and neck. Unfortunately there is still no reliable repellant on the market for this to the best of the writers knowledge.

On occasion, I find that the elusive epiphany comes in the form of impressions seen in the bottom of the sacred blue Bombay bottle while sharing fate with future, in an ancient land which hasn’t been build yet. (Only the savvy time traveler will fully glean this experience.) We, humans strive for simplicity, something good or something bad, on or off, One or Zero, right and wrong, left and right, good and evil…. ad nausea.

We live, love, and die for a sacred dichotomy.

Truth is, the best stuff is usually slippery, unclear, tons of fun and could, would, and should never happen twice. This phenomenon is the Temporal Harmonic.
Nearly invisible, one notices it when you learn a new word and then you see it everywhere. Was it always there and it had simply slipped beneath one’s radar? I suggest the contrary. It “the new” has smugly sprung into existence within the singular spaghetti noodle of time.

Here is how it works. Remember that entropy is the measure of randomness. So in the human quest for a binary world of simplicity, one desires to hold the belief that outcomes are predicable or at least more predicable than sheer happenstance. How random is life? It’s not… If one knew everything that had preceded it, the future would be predicable. Unfortunately, there is a universal stick jammed in the spokes of the cosmic wheel.

The fact is that the universe has no memory. And the problem is that we do. This is easily demonstrated within the old coin toss experiment. Humans love this stuff “the big binary yummy”, heads or tails, 50/50 right? Wrong! Probability dictates via a single toss that the outcome is closest to 99% that the coin lands on either heads or tails with a less than one percent chance something going horribly wrong with the laws of physics, like gravity inversing, the universe imploding, or other general cosmic weirdness, generally expressed by simple humans as the coin landing on it’s edge. The major problem occurs [for humans] on each subsequent toss when we build in expectations. The coin lands on heads ten times in a row and so we assume that the next toss has a higher probability to be tails “because is due” but alas it’s heads again. THE UNIVERSE HAS NO MEMORY. Los Vegas figured this one out.

It seems that the joke’s on me. I’ll take a moment to wipe the cosmic egg off my face. The measurement of random occurrence first appears to be easy but only in Entropy’s daydreams will one decipher design from webs of significance.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Crammed up the Wormhole-

I got stuck in a traffic jam today. I don’t know or trust how long I was in it and it doesn’t matter to me anyway with all the chronometric instability I’ve been experiencing. I did learn something sitting there.


…it shifts and jives and spins on its head like a break-dancer on a cosmic sheet of cardboard. I first became aware of this fact as a child. Time was always moving fast but there were exceptions, nights before summer vacation, xmas or a birthday. See how it varies its rate? At 23, time is noticeably slower and perceptively more controllable. At 23, I found that I could complete things. This effect lasted all the way to 33. Now, 36 it’s shifting again. Now time’s moving like it did when I was 18 or 19. Is this some manifestation or localization of Hyper-dimensional physics at work? Is my psychic tilt in sync with the precession of the planet? Have I discovered a personal 19.5 degree energy upwelling?



Still and stuck, I imagined living in ATL in some psychic cul-de-sac, comfortably trapped like this with time, time to think and time to travel in time. The accident down there must have been a bad. Too many people on the planet is clearly our biggest problem. It's not cars, factories, coffee or a trusty pack of smokes, it’s just these people. I don’t really even think that they are real. Unless they are psychic travelers as well.

The Volume Issue:
Half Full or Half empty…. Can’t you see that we are spilling over the edge?

Still inside the travel box from which there is no escape. I found some time to pay some bills an plan my workday and daydream. My recent time travel excursions have my head swimming and smiling. I move creatively ahead and I can’t get anything done. It feels like youth.

It's Delicious

Comming soon

Monday, February 06, 2006


YOu SeE I'm No jOiner
THoght condenses of the WeEk eNd pasSed
You INspirEd me
I wrote muZik 4 hours after you left
BeSt Workz N years
Felt GOod
I JOined thE blog
and wrote about U and uS
More than Us
I'm not a joiner, I am joined

Daydreaming of Systems breaking down

EDD chapter one

Here we go.

Lot's of stuff going on
I'll try to capture some of it here.
It's such the surprise to find one's own journal is so packed with lies.
The self may be the easiest to trick
Watch out.

Just out of the monday meeting, after a crazy weekend of time travel.
It's fifteen years until yesterday and I should stop going so far with only a couple of days and no real recovery time to speak of.
Anyway it's worth it.
Following Fridays Blasting.
I'm still a bit woozy (Latin: "Vertigo" the sensation of instability
I must admit. I don't think anyone notices. Doesn't matter anyway. It's like I'm mining a road with those snakes that spring out of fake can of peanut brittle. Or a roadside cream pie attack.
Humor with lethal intent.

Infomation entropy

The basic concept of entropy in information theory has to do with how much randomness (or, alternatively, 'uncertainty') there is in a signal or random event. An alternative way to look at this is to talk about how much information is carried by the signal.

As an example consider some English text, encoded as a string of letters, spaces, and punctuation (so our signal is a string of characters). Since some characters are not very likely (e.g. 'z') while others are very common (e.g. 'e') the string of characters is not really as random as it might be. On the other hand, since we cannot predict what the next character will be, it does have some 'randomness'. Entropy is a measure of this randomness, suggested by Claude E. Shannon in his 1948 paper A Mathematical Theory of Communication.